Saturday, July 21, 2007

Rat On Brother II

Category: Pets and Animals

This is really a story about a Holocaust survivor but I promise you it's funny... sort of.
My mom is a Holocaust survivor. She survived with her family in a hole in Lithuania. Rats, mice , bugs and frogs were in that hole with them. 18 months in that hole.
Anyway,my mom lives in Chelsea, in a nice apartment, in a nice building. A rat got into her apartment. She chased this rat down and cornered him in the bathtub. She took every chemical she had and doused him. The poor guy had no chance. He was bleached, windexed, boraxed and shoe shined.
By the time I got there, building management had to be notified because this thing was gelatin and I had no idea how to remove it. At this point, I thought it could be washed down the drain. The super was horrified. He looked at this poor thing ,"I've never seen anything like this in my life.How did she have the balls to do this?"
"My mom comes from a special place."
The irony of the story is that in the moment my mom could kill that rat because it meant survival to her.
A lot of other people would have left their apartment and let the super take care of the situation.
She still thinks about the rat and thinks about it all the time.
I wonder how often I do the same type of thing.

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